Lanes overview

Lanes structure the system data flows and can divide the interfaces by audience, such as developer versus an end user.

Lanes and model object contents
Default lanes and their model objects

Lane features

In the event model canvas, you can:

Default lanes

The canvas has three default lanes that cannot be deleted, relocated, or renamed:

  • Default Audience

  • Timeline

  • Default Stream

You can insert lanes within your event model, edit the lane name, and delete those custom lanes.

Allowed model objects by lane type

The event model objects that you can add within a lane depend on the particular lane type.

Lane type Allowed model objects

Default Audience



Commands, Read Models

Default Stream


Allowed locations to insert a lane

The ability to insert a lane above or below an existing lane depends upon the context of the current lane type, as determined by the cursor position.

Lane type Description

Default Audience

Default lane located at the top of the model. Can only insert a custom audience lane below.


Default lane. Can insert an audience lane above or a stream lane below. There can be only one Timeline lane in an event model. The Timeline lane is the central lane in the model canvas.

Custom lane

Any lane that is not a default lane. Can insert a lane above or below depending on context.

Default Stream

Default lane located at the bottom of the model. Can only insert another custom stream lane above.